Русская Православная Церковь

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Свято-Владимирская семинария в Нью-Йорке объявляет конкурс на замещение вакансии декана

Свято-Владимирская семинария в Нью-Йорке объявляет конкурс на замещение вакансии декана
Версия для печати
3 августа 2006 г. 15:19

Попечительский Совет Свято-Владимирской семинарии (Нью-Йорк, юрисдикция Православной Церкви в Америке) приглашает принять участие до 15 сентября текущего года в конкурсе на замещение вакантной должности декана этого учебного заведения.

Ниже публикуется оригинальный текст официального информационного письма, распространенного Попечительским советом высшего богословского учебного заведения Американской Православной Церкви:

The Board of Trustees of St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, NY, announces a vacancy in the office of Dean, to be filled effective July 1, 2007. Applications, nominations, and expressions of interest for the position of Dean are now being accepted.

St Vladimir's is a graduate school of theology in the canonical jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church in America whose programs are registered by the New York State Education Department and accredited nationally by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. The Seminary seeks to serve the Orthodox Church through theological education and scholarship. It educates future priests and church leaders and contributes directly to Orthodox theology through the scholarly activities of its faculty. St Vladimir’s grants the Master of Theology (MTh), Master of Divinity (MDiv), and Master of Arts (MA) degrees. Numerous strategic developments are underway at St. Vladimir’s, including an enhanced focus on training for pastoral ministry in the Good Pastor Curriculum, new initiatives for St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press and improved student facilities.

The Dean of the Seminary is the Chief Executive Officer of the Seminary and supervises all spiritual, educational, financial, and legal activities of the Seminary. The Dean represents the Seminary before ecclesiastical, educational, religious, and civil agencies. If the Dean is a bishop or priest, he will normally serve as rector of the Seminary chapel by appointment of the Seminary President, the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America. Candidates for the position of Dean of the Seminary will normally possess the qualifications for a tenured position on the seminary faculty. Candidates should also demonstrate sufficient ability and experience to provide effective spiritual, academic, and administrative leadership. Paramount is the ability to articulate and communicate the vision of the Seminary and to interact effectively with the entire Seminary community, supporters, donors and constituencies of the Seminary.

Applications should include a letter that demonstrates the candidate’s suitability for the position, current curriculum vitae, and a list of the names and contact details of at least four individuals who have agreed to serve as references. All communications will be held in strict confidence. Applications may be submitted at any time prior to September 15, 2006 at which time the formal review of applications by the Search Committee will commence.

The Search Committee consists of V Rev John Dresko, Trustee and Chair; V Rev Paul Nadim Tarazi, Professor of Old Testament; Rev Alexander Rentel, Assistant Professor of Canon Law and Byzantine Studies; Rev Protodeacon Peter Danilchick, Trustee; Ms. Anne van den Berg, Trustee. Those interested in submitting applications or contacting the Search Committee may do so via e-mail at , or by writing Dean Search Committee; Alexandra Safchuk, Administrative Secretary; 7126 River Road; Bethesda, MD 20817.

Further information on St Vladimir’s Seminary can be accessed via the Seminary website

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