Содержание номера
Campbell D. A. Possible Inscriptional Attestation to Sergius Paul[L]US (Acts 13:6–12), and the Implications for Pauline Chronology.Mosser C. The Earliest Patristic Interpretations of PSALM 82, Jewish Antecedents, and the Origin of Christian Deification.
Zachhuber J. Once Again: Gregory of Nyssa on Universals.
Заметки и публикации
McDonough S. M. Competent to Judge: The Old Testament Connection Between 1 Corinthians 5 and 6.Van Nuffelen P. Two Fragments from the Apology for Origen in the Church History of Socrates Scholasticus.
Edwards M. J. Constantine's Donation to the ▒Bishop and Pope of the City of Rome’.
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