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The Journal of Theological Studies. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 (April). — Vol. 56 (New Series): 1

The Journal of Theological Studies. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 (April). — Vol. 56 (New Series): 1
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8 июля 2005 г. 16:03

Содержание номера


Campbell D. A. Possible Inscriptional Attestation to Sergius Paul[L]US (Acts 13:6–12), and the Implications for Pauline Chronology.

Mosser C. The Earliest Patristic Interpretations of PSALM 82, Jewish Antecedents, and the Origin of Christian Deification.

Zachhuber J. Once Again: Gregory of Nyssa on Universals.

Заметки и публикации

McDonough S. M. Competent to Judge: The Old Testament Connection Between 1 Corinthians 5 and 6.

Van Nuffelen P. Two Fragments from the Apology for Origen in the Church History of Socrates Scholasticus.

Edwards M. J. Constantine's Donation to the ▒Bishop and Pope of the City of Rome’.

Рецензии на книги

Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible. 

Theodicy in the World of the Bible.

Biblical Hebrew: Studies in Chronology and Typology.

Glimpses of a Strange Land: Studies in Old Testament Ethics

Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic, the Apocalyptic and their Relationships.

Stockmen from Tekoa, Sycomores from Sheba: A Study of Amos’ Occupations.

Reading for History in the Damascus Document: A Methodological Study.

Christianity in the Making, volume 1: Jesus Remembered.

Not the Righteous but Sinners: M. M. Bakhtin's Theory of Aesthetics and the Problem of Reader-Character Interaction in Matthew's Gospel.

The Gospel of Matthew's Dependence on the Didache.

Jesus' Defeat of Death: Persuading Mark's Early Readers.

An Introduction to the Gospel of John.

Creation-Covenant Scheme and Justification by Faith: A Canonical Study of the God–Human Drama in the Pentateuch and the Letter to the Romans.

Das Gesetz im Römerbrief und andere Studien zum Neuen Testament.

Where to Live? The Hermeneutical Significance of Paul's Citations from Scripture in Galatians 3:1–14.

Paul, Luke and the Graeco-Roman World: Essays in Honour of Alexander J. M. Wedderburn.

The Genre, Composition and Hermeneutics of James.

Theologie des Neuen Testaments: Ein Grundriss.

Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Volume 1: Die Vielfalt des Neuen Testaments: Theologiegeschichte des Urchristentums. Volume 2: Die Einheit des Neuen Testaments: Thematische Darstellung.

The Collected Biblical Writings of T. C. Skeat.

Biblical Interpretation: The Meanings of Scripture—Past and Present.

Bound by the Bible: Jews, Christians and the Sacrifice of Isaac.

Philo's Flaccus: The First Pogrom. Introduction, Translation and Commentary.

The Messiah in Isaiah 53: The Commentaries of Saadia Gaon, Salmon ben Yeruham, and Yefet ben Eli on Is. 52:13–53:12.

Studi su Clemente Romano: Atti degli Incontri di Roma, 29 marzo e 22 novembre 2001.

What Is Gnosticism?

The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church.

The Spirit of Early Christian Thought: Seeking the Face of God.

Religion et sépulture: L’église, les vivants et les morts de l’Antiquité tardive.

Revelation, Truth, Canon, Interpretation: Studies in Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho.

Der fursorgende Gott: Der Begriff der PRONOIA Gottes in der apologetischen Literatur der Alten Kirche.

Le Retour au paradis: Une étude sur la relation entre la sanctification de l’homme et l’ascèse sexuelle chez Tertullian.

The Westminster Handbook to Origen.

Eustathii Antiocheni, Patris Nicaeni, Opera quae Supersunt Omnia.

▒... denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun’: Zur Rezeption der Furbitte Jesu am Kreuz (Lk 23,34a) in der antiken judisch–christlichen Kontroverse.

Re-Thinking Gregory of Nyssa.

Teología y piedad en la obra de Eunomio de Cízico.

Biblia y Polémica Antijudía en Jerónimo.

The Inward Journey to God in Augustine's Confessions, Books I–VI.

Augustinus Afer: Saint Augustin, africanité et universalité. Actes du colloque international Alger-Annaba, 1–7 avril 2001.

The Sex Lives of Saints: An Erotics of Ancient Hagiography.

Theodore of Mopsuestia: Commentary on the Gospel of John.

Exegesis and Empire in the Early Byzantine Mediterranean.

Agir de Dieu et liberté de l’homme: Recherche sur l’anthropologie théologique de saint Maxime le Confesseur.

The Christian Tradition in Anglo-Saxon England: Approaches to Current Scholarship and Teaching.

Variorum Auctorum Commentaria Minora in Apocalypsin Johannis
Liber Questionum in Evangeliis

Clavis Patristica Pseudepigraphorum Medii Aevi, volume IIIA: (Praefatio). Artes Liberales. (Indices)

Knowing God by Experience: The Spiritual Senses in the Theology of William of Auxerre.

Worship in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Change and Continuity in Religious Practice.

The Conciliarist Tradition: Constitutionalism in the Catholic Church, 1300–1870.

Jan van Ruusbroec, Mystical Theologian of the Trinity.

Protestants and the Cult of the Saints in German-Speaking Europe, 1517–1531.

The Protestant Clergy of Early Modern Europe.

God's Two Books: Copernican Cosmology and Biblical Interpretation in Early Modern Science.

God's Last Words: Reading the English Bible from the Reformation to Fundamentalism

Restoration, Reformation, and Reform, 1660–1828: Archbishops of Canterbury and Their Diocese.

Lied–Kirchenmusik–Predigt im Festgottesdienst Friedrich Schleiermachers: Zur Rekonstruktion seiner liturgischen Praxis.

The Mind of Gladstone: Religion, Homer, and Politics.

Russian Orthodoxy on the Eve of Revolution.

Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics: A Model for Post-Critical Biblical Interpretation.

God as Problem and Possibility: A Critical Study of Gordon Kaufman's Thought toward a Spacious Theology.

Scripture and Metaphysics: Aquinas and the Renewal of Trinitarian Theology.

Divine Freedom and the Doctrine of the Immanent Trinity: In Dialogue with Karl Barth and Contemporary Theology.

The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth.

Bonds of Imperfection: Christian Politics, Past and Present.

God and Realism.

The Unknown God.

Thomist Realism and the Linguistic Turn: Toward a More Perfect Form of Existence.

Providence and the Problem of Evil.

Acts of the International Congress: Comparative Liturgy Fifty Years after Anton Baumstark (1872–1948). Rome, 25–29 September 1998.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The Church and the Book.

Краткие обзоры новых книг 

Reading from Right to Left: Essays on the Hebrew Bible in Honour of David J. A. Clines.

The Psalms: A Historical and Spiritual Commentary with an Introduction and New Translation.


Paul, the Letter Writer.

Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, volume 3: Liturgy and Life.

St Gregory of Nazianzus: Select Orations.

Bernard de Clairvaux: Sermons pour l’année. Vol. I.1: Avent et Vigile de Noël. (Oeuvres Complètes, XV.1.) Vol. I.2: De Noël à la Purification de la Vierge. (Oeuvres Complètes, XV.2.)


Monasticon Cartusiense volume 2.

A More Radical Gospel: Essays on Eschatology, Authority, Atonement, and Ecumenism.

Fr. Augustine Baker, O.S.B: Secretum.

Metaphysics of the Profane: The Political Theology of Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem.

Christians versus Muslims in Modern Egypt: The Century-Long Struggle for Coptic Equality.

Theologische Realenzyklopädie, volume 35: Vernunft III–Wiederbringung Aller.